I began Acupuncture treatment with Dr. Rosenthal in February, 2011, due to severe pain down my left leg as well as lower back pain and stiffness and even a partial tear in the rotator cuff of my right shoulder.
I have endured the leg pain for 10 years and although I had tried 4 spinal injections, chiropractic manipulation, exercise, anti-inflammatory medication, and pain killers, as well as a Laminectomy (spinal decompression surgery) in 2010, the pain persisted.
The rotator cuff has been a problem for about a year, and cortisone shots have provided only a small amount of relief.
Not wanting to go thru additional surgeries for the two problems, I decided to try, at my wife’s urging, Acupuncture.
After the 5th treatment, the pain in my leg disappeared. After 7 treatments the pain in my rotator cuff began, and continues, to diminish. In addition my lower back pain and stiffness has entirely diminished. Dr. Rosenthal has indicated that I am now ready to go from twice-weekly treatments to once a week visits. Eventually, I will go on monthly or seasonal “tune-ups”.
Needless to say, I am now a “Believer”. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Rosenthal for everything he has done for me, and plan to continue seeing him whenever necessary.
~ Warren S